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Summer 2018 OTTB Mag



In this issue of the Off-Track Thoroughbred Magazine:

  • Thinking One Step Ahead – Many racehorse owners are taking greater responsibility for their charges post-racing.
  • One-Stop Shop – The Makeover is proving to be a buyer’s market for Thoroughbred talent.
  • Don’t Call Them Useless – There are options for retiring racehorses that aren’t
    sound enough for athletic second careers.
  • To the Rescue – Thoroughbred Charities of America has stepped up to play a leading role in emergency relief for racehorses and the people who care for them.

In Every Issue

  • Training With Tik: Playing the Game
  • Racehorse Life: How Racehorses Are Handled
  • OTTB Care: Complementary and Alternative Therapies
  • From the Director’s Desk; How to Connect and Engage with Us; Reader Feedback; OTTBs in Sport; Racehorse Rehoming News; RRP News; Makeover News; Final Thoughts


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